
Topic: Racing games advice

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I love the racing games on my Wii and Wii U, but I'm a bit frustrated by the inconsistency of the steering on the games. Sonic all star racing on Wii is very good when it comes to steering, but many others are so sensitive, I find it hard to steer and I'm all over the road. Who can give me advice on the games that have sensitive steering???
I usually use a Wii wheel of some kind. I have one that is on a stand, so my arms don't get tired. I've recently purchased some older wii games (super pickups and Bigfoot king of crush and some need for speed ones too) and both are hard to steer. I wish they were all as easy as the sonic game. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Edited on by juliejustice



Try Mario Kart 8 Wii U with Gamepad / Wiimote + Nunchuck / Classic Pro Controller during gameplay.
It will feel a lot easier than Wii steer.
When you are in STRAIGHT way, don't move too many. Keep going straight.
One tips, ALWAYS Drift if you reach the turn way.
In Mario Kart 8, press and hold R / ZR button when you find a turn way for several seconds depend on how the turn way pattern.
And you need practice about TIMING to Drift and how long you must hold R / ZR button to drift depend on track you choose.
For Mario Kart 8, since you can Customize your kart, make sure you set your kart with High Acceleration and Handling. 4 Wheels vehicles are easier to control when drifting than 2 wheels vehicles. 2 Wheels vehicles are easy to turn left or right quickly on very Sharp corner, but do not drift too long because it will turn very sharp and you might lost your control.
Mastering the Drifting & Steering and you can enjoy racing games.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



@juliejustice : That's a hard one to answer because everybody programs the controls and physics of their games different, so naturally, they will all "feel" different to one another.

I can't give you any advice on which motion-controlled racing game is best though as the only racing game I have on Wii is Mario Kart Wii. Need For Speed: Most Wanted U on Wii U is also quite good (control-wise), but the game is a tad buggy and would be extremely rare to obtain nowadays (at least on physical media).

Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe control beautifully though and there are rumours of a new Sonic Racing game coming soon to Switch, so perhaps you may wish to consider getting a Switch in order to scratching your racing game itch.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


The best of my abilities when it comes to Mario Kart 8 when you're playing by yourself is to gather up 4 controllers and play a 32-race Vs so you can rack up your coins. They can go up to 1280 coins and can count on to unlocking the gold glider.

Alex Lippeatt

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