
Topic: The Activision Situation

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The US legal system often uses the opinions of members of the public to decide cases. These members are often carefully selected to be the least informed people possible with the mistaken belief that ignorance is objectivity. Information about the case is carefully controlled to keep them in the dark and they can be punished for learning too much. If these empty vessels are contaminated with unapproved knowledge, the defendant could walk away.

I'm not suggesting a better system. I wouldn't know what that would be. I'm only saying that acquiescing to the court's authority on determining the truth is hardly the rational and dispassionate position they make it out to be. It is itself a position of bias though I doubt it's really about their respect for the court and more of an excuse to cover up their predetermined judgement.



@Purgatorium Do you have definitive proof that jurors are pre-selected? It’s sounding like a lie predicated on unclear thoughts.



@jump i want to watch a SWAT team to repel down the side of Bobby Kotick's solid gold mansion and crash through the windows.

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@Losermagnet I was hoping more for two podgy lazy cops just casually strolling up to him asking if he's been drinking and then smacking him with a baton before he can answer.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251



I don't know if you're serious or making a joke. Either way my response would be a hearty lol.



@jump also acceptable

So i tried to read more about the case itself and it sounds like its a complaint seeking punitive damages, not a criminal case. I dont know much about law but would this even go to jury trial?

I assume this is why it's been filed against Activision/Blizzard itself and not an individual (or several culprits).

Edited on by Losermagnet

Switch friend code: SW-2223-7827-8798
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@Purgatorium I understand your sentiments but for the most part with exceptions for oj and Cosby I tend to just leave it alone if someone is found innocent.




Yes, it can go to a jury and I believe California has requested it.



@Purgatorium I can’t be bothered to spend my life going through every single case and play internet judge Judy as if it makes any difference. Certain cases the evidence is well known against the defendant.



@jump Ok, but nowhere in what you just linked me does it say that juror’s are specifically selected. It stated that there is a randomized process. Exceptions included in what you linked me were people who are against the death penalty in a case where the death penalty is a potential punishment, and if an attorney makes a challenge for cause.

I’m not seeing anything in that process that shows jurors are “carefully selected,” with some insidious purpose.

@Losermagnet It will only go to a jury trial if criminal damages are found, for example, a murder or a violent assault that caused permanent harm to the victim. In the case of sexual harassment, those USUALLY go to civil court cases. There are various exceptions, like that guy that molested hundreds of gymnasts. I believe that was a criminal case, due to the age of the victims. In the case against Blizzard, I am not sure what would determine if it goes through civil or criminal law.

Edited on by BloodNinja



@BloodNinja have you never watched a court room movie/show before?

In any case from the wiki page;

“In the United States the process of voir dire is often much more in-depth than in other countries and its practical implementation is somewhat controversial because of this. The amount of privacy that the potential jurors are afforded when asked questions raises the issue of the definition of "impartial jury". Some people are skeptical as to whether the intensive questioning of potential jurors looks not just for inherent bias but for a potential to be emotionally swayed. On the other hand, proponents argue that this method gives both sides more confidence in the verdict.“

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251



Fair enough. I'm the same way in terms of not paying attention but I also don't have a problem with forming opinions.



Ok I want to ask you guys bc I haven't heard yet, but, oh boy I'm going to regret asking, what did they do?

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

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Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


@Purgatorium ah gotcha. Thanks.

I guess i'm confused what we're finding fault with (bear with me please) is it that we think the US trial system is unreliable because of the protection it affords the accused?

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@jump I’ve watched actual court cases, not movie ones. I’ve been a juror. Did you just cite TV dramas for evidence?



@Purgatorium no problem with opinions. But everyone on the internet acts like an expert and take themselves far too seriously. I know too many people who did nothing with their life but if you went by their Facebook they are expert politicians, part time drs, part time nutritionist, business and wealth advisors. If you wanted to take yourself so seriously and change the world you should have done better in school instead of “trust me” or “do your research”.

Edited on by sixrings



Ok I looked it up and that is, wow thats really bad, I mean look, there games are a whole nother deal and I don't really think they have anything to do with this, The company on the other hand wow, I'm really glad there going to court for this, and whatever happens to them in the long run, well I couldn't care less at this point.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!



I'm finding fault mostly in the belief that US legal system can be relied on to determine the truth and that's somehow a rational and intelligent stance to take and that we should reserve our own opinions until the US legal process is concluded.


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