
Topic: Nintendo Treehouse July

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A treehouse event has been announced, featuring Paper Mario and a new game by Wayforward, which will probably be first party. Predictions?

Edit: The game has been confirmed to be 3rd party.

Edited on by alexybubble



Oh, gosh..
It will be 12 am 11 July 2020 at my place.
I wonder the rumor about 3D Mario remakes on Switch will comes true.



I mean... it has to be special to be on a special Nintendo event so ima guess Warioland reboot.



I mean... it has to be special to be on a special Nintendo event so ima guess Warioland reboot. Or Mariokart 9!!



I want so many things, but I won’t get my hopes up. It’s probably gonna be some crappy game nobody knew about.


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That was, without a doubt, the worst Nintendo stream I've ever seen in my life. It even made Paper Mario look bad.


Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


Well... that was a bit disappointing. I doubt we are getting any more announcements but they should have just posted the gameplay to their channel and post a trailer for the bakugan game.

{funny quote here}


Yeah that was pointless. Why did they bother with that Bakugan game? It looked like a bad 3DS title.

Just being blunt here.



I wasn't expecting much and they delivered.

I think people were hoping for too much with the lack of E3 and Directs.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


pass on both


Switch Friend Code: SW-0234-9630-1242


@NotTelevision ill grab paper Mario day 1, but bakugan can stop development immediately. There's no way it'll sell well, sorry if people enjoy the series(which i never heard of til today)

Edit: looked more like a bad mobile game than a bad 3ds game

Edited on by NintendoByNature



I think it would've been a good idea to say that the Wayforward game was a non-video game IP beforehand or keep it a surprise until the end of the Paper Mario gameplay. Would've led to a lot less dissapointment.

Legal threats that have gone nowhere: 1


@NintendoByNature For sure. It’s not the issue of perhaps it not being my thing, it just looked really lifeless for a game promoted in a segment by Nintendo. WayForward is also getting it published by WB so... why did this look so dang cheap?

I think Nintendo probably has some announcements coming post Paper Mario, so it’s fine. Just confused by this one.



@NotTelevision im right there with ya. I dont even think its the hype and disappointment that put me off. It was the game in general. Here's hoping we get that 2d metroid soon 😀



So, what we got from Tree Houese Event just now ?
Sorry, i was sleeping at 12 am when the event was airing. 😅



@Anti-Matter After the Paper Mario footage, we got footage for that one Bakugan game. I gotta be honest...I only came for Paper Mario. lol

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Oh, just only 2 games.
Well, i can directly go to Youtube to watch the presentation.
Btw, i saw a lot of users was complaining for Bakugan on Switch.
I'm not a fan of Bakugan but i think it's time for niche franchise get some attention.
A lot of users here still wishing for Sonic or Castlevania or F-Zero or Punch Out, etc.
They don't want unpopular or niche franchises get some attention.



@Anti-Matter Yeah you can go on YouTube to see it. Bakugan has never been my cup of tea either, though I did skim through the footage for a bit. You're kinda right too, sometimes a hidden gem might turn up and it becomes one of your new favorite games. Though I will be honest...I'm still holding out for a new F-Zero!!! We haven't had a new game for like, over a decade. Last one we got was GP Legend back in 2004.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


Well, that's why they're not popular, @Anti-Matter .... If most people wanted it, that's popular! But I'm not bothered about Bakugan, so if there's anyone that does like the look of that, I'm happy for them Wasn't expecting to be interested in that part, so not disappointed about it & I'm happy with what they showed of Origami King, too

Steam: Bruce_CM

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