
Topic: Why doesn’t Nintendo release compilation of their classic games?

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I mean, there are around 145 games just on basic NSO plus a couple dozen special versions. I feel like one reason that feels small is the enormous amount of games on Switch overall. If Switch had fewer games I'd be playing the NSO games more. Plus of course just the inevitable 'the one particular game I want isn't there' syndrome.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Personally I think it's because Nintendo is planning long term. A game like Super Mario RPG never arrived on NSO because they planned or at least considered a remake. And Link's Awakening was only added a little over 3 years after the remake came out. It's about maximizing profits.



Yeah, I think the "one game I want" bit is a factor. Thinking back to the stuff I had on VC over the years there aren't many that aren't on NSO now. But there are certainly some. And as cool as it is there's now stuff like Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble, Stunt Race FX, Goldeneye at the same time I can't help but think.... the Wii U VC had NES Light Gun games or the Wii VC had Master System or where's [gestures at the massive holes in the GB/GBC/GBA library]

....but lets be honest, most of the complaints about NSO aren't really about the library or the price. They're mostly from people who are just simply against the concept of subscriptions at its core. Which I get. I still buy BluRays for a similar reason. I think the issue I have with the complaints is when they try and extend their justification for it beyond that by trying to argue that it's "too expensive" or "lacks content" when those things are just straight up wrong

Edited on by skywake

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I guess the main reason I perceive the NSO classic game library as 'small' is because I'm over NES & SNES eras. The only game I have interest in is N64 Banjo Kazooie, and I just can't swallow the price of NSO expansion subscription solely for that game.

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Why doesn’t Nintendo release compilation of their classic games?

They did.
Nes classic
Snes classic

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

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