
Topic: I don't like how the comments sections handles replies

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I never bother reading the comments because I cannot be bother scrolling up to figure out who is responding to what. We all know the comments section many times has more info than the article, so it would be great if those replies were next to the comments. I always read the top few comments and then all the replies start coming in and it's too annoying to figure out who is replying to who so I give up.



Good idea! I’m not technologically sophisticated so I don’t know how hard that would be to implement. I’d like it anyhow.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2940-3286-4610 | My Nintendo: Pikmin4 | Twitter:


I’ve always thought it would be nice if when you clicked on your name (so when you click @sirmrguitardude )it would show the comment it was replying to, not the user’s account.

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


I know, it's just a useless mess to try and follow (or have) any conversation in those sections.
Pretty much every other site I visit that has a comment section tiers them. Like if I reply to you, it goes under your comment, but hidden with a '+' button to open the chain of comments replying directly to that initial comment. Not only does it allow for a coherent string of replies, but it cleans up the comment section by only keeping primary comments visible (initially, until the user clicks to see replies, of course).



@Shadowthrone I would love it if they added this.

Edited on by Snatcher

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


@antdickens Awesome! Definitely looking forward to that. Thanks for the reply


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